HomeWS-Small Diameter Distribution System Rehabilitation and Replacement
Water Project
Project Name: Small Diameter Distribution System Rehabilitation & Replacement
Watershed Management provides water to customers within a 379-square-mile area through more than 2,600 miles of distribution piping. Most of these pipes are located underground, and many are approaching the end of their design lives. This project will identify and rehabilitate the small diameter pipes (less than 16 inches in diameter) that pose the highest risk of water leaks and low pressure events. The overall project objective is to align maintenance and investment of physical assets with asset criticality, to reduce unplanned maintenance, and to utilize asset condition and criticality information to develop a pipe repair and rehabilitation program.
The scope of this project includes:
• Reviewing main break work order data dating back to 2000
• Reviewing computer model of the water system
• Improving existing criticality model developed in 2013
• Reviewing and prioritizing existing pipeline projects
• Developing rehabilitation and repair program for small diameter pipes (< 16 inch in diameter)
• Developing a maintenance data analysis and pipe material failure analysis
• Reduces risk posed to customers of unplanned water outages
• Reduces water leakage and unplanned maintenance activities
• Reduces cost and effort for corrective and emergency maintenance
• Enhances operational system reliability and efficiency
Project Type: Distribution System Proposed Project Start: 03/2015 Proposed Construction Start: TBD Scheduled Completion: 04/2022 Project Budget: $43,000,000 Council District(s): Citywide NPU(s): Citywide Project Status: Inactive Map: Link