Water System Projects
Water Project
Project Name: Hartsfield Jackson Manifold Improvements
Constructed in 1981, the Hartsfield-Jackson water distribution facility includes two below ground storage tanks and a re-pump station. The east and west concrete tanks are rectangular underground reservoirs and provide an estimated storage capacity of 5 million gallons each. These tanks receive water from the Hemphill Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and supply water to the Hartsfield-Jackson pump station within the Hemphill service zone. The tanks serve the Hartfield-Jackson International Airport and Coweta County and can direct flow to South Fulton County during peak hours. The Hartsfield- Jackson re-pump station contains four pumps used to maintain pressure in the southern areas of the Hemphill service zone and in the Stonewall tank.
The scope of work for this project includes
The design, permitting and construction of a permanent cost-effective and sustainable solution to the state of the soil-pipe-valve system at the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport’s pumping station located on South Loop Road, thereby reinforcing the integrity of services for which they were constructed. The work includes, but is not limited to
- Demolishing existing ductile iron pipe, fittings, and valves
- Installing new above and below-grade ductile iron pipe, fittings, and valves
- Installing new flowmeters
- Constructing reinforced concrete foundation slabs
Also included within the scope of this project are structural and architectural modifications to the existing pump station building to facilitate the new above grade piping, landscaping, temporary bypass piping, dewatering, electrical and controls, storm drainage, erosion and sediment control along with all incidentals and appurtenances required for construction.
- Enhances service reliability and efficiency
- Provides a permanent cost-effective and sustainable solution
- Ensures reliable water distribution to Hartsfield–Jackson International Airport
Project Type: Water Distribution
Project Start: 02/16/2018
Proposed Construction Start: 08/2018
Scheduled Completion: 03/02/2020
Project Budget: $5,978,000
Council District(s): 11, 12
NPU(s): I, P, Q, R, S, X, Y, Z
Project Status / Phase: Complete / Construction