Watershed Protection
Watershed Protection
Project Name: Upper Proctor Creek – Boone Boulevard Green Infrastructure
Boone Boulevard located in the Proctor Creek watershed in the northwest quadrant of Atlanta. It passes through several neighborhoods and crosses the future path of the Atlanta Beltline. The green infrastructure proposed for this project includes parks, stormwater management greenways, community gardens and other vegetative areas, as well as constructed streams, rain gardens and bio-retention ponds. In addition to the series of connected green spaces, the vision calls for the introduction of green streets, a design approach that uses natural systems to reduce stormwater runoff, improve water quality, enhance pedestrian safety, and beautify neighborhoods.
The scope of this project includes:
The scope of the project includes the installation of approximately 6,300 feet of dedicated bike lanes. Between Northside Drive and Sunset Ave NW (Zone 1) and between Sunset Ave NW and Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard NW (Zone 2), specially landscaped areas, known as bio retention areas, will be installed to collect storm water runoff from impervious surfaces, allow water to infiltrate the soil and remove pollutants from storm water runoff. The addition of dedicated bike lanes will alter the current road configuration on Boone Boulevard. From Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard to Mayson Turner Road (Zone 3), Boone Boulevard will change from three lanes (two westbound lanes and one eastbound lane) to one eastbound and one westbound lane with five feet dedicated bike lanes on both sides of the road. From Northside Drive to Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard (Zones 1 and 2), the roadway will change from four lanes (two eastbound lanes and two westbound lanes) to two lanes (one eastbound and one westbound) with dedicated bike lanes and green infrastructure along both sides of the road.
- Provides capacity relief to the North Avenue combined sewer system
- Increases ground water recharge and reduces heat island effect from surface pavement
- Adds aesthetic enhancements including bicycle lanes and pedestrian improvements
- Reduces stormwater runoff and enhances water quality
Project Type: Watershed Protection
Project Start: 11/30/2015
Proposed Construction Start: 01/2017
Scheduled Completion: 12/23/2020
Project Budget: $18,265,000
Council District(s): 3
NPU(s): K, L
Project Status / Phase: Complete / Construction