HomeWWS-North Fork Peachtree Creek Tank and Pump Station
Wastewater System
Project Name: North Fork Peachtree Creek Tank and Pump Station
During wet weather, overloading in the Peachtree Creek basin collection system has resulted in flooding in Peachtree Creek, sanitary sewer overflows and bypasses within the system. To address these problems and comply with consent decree stipulations, Department of Watershed Management proposes a new CIP project, the North Fork Storage Tank and Pump Station, to complement the South Fork Storage Tank and Pump Station (Liddell tank) placed into operation in 2014.
The scope of the project includes:
The North Fork Storage Tank and Pump Station will serve as a key capacity relief projects to meet the consent decree compliance date of July 1, 2026 for Peachtree Creek Basin. The implementation of this project before the consent decree deadline will provide a resolution to the flooding problems in Peachtree Creek and the major trunk system within the basin.
The project will include the development of a 15 MG storage tank and 75 MGD pump station, which will be designed to handle a 10-year design storm. During a significant storm event, wet weather flows will be diverted from the main trunk sewer to the pump station wet well, from which the flow will be pumped to the storage tank. After the storm event has ended, the storage tank will be dewatered using another set of pumps, as soon as downstream conditions permit.
Concept designs have been prepared. The site proposed site for the project is owned by Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). The City is finalizing negotiations with GDOT for shared use of the site, through a permanent easement.
Increased sewer storage capacity will reduce sanitary sewer overflow potential in Peachtree Creek during wet weather events
Program Name: Wastewater Project Type: Consent Decree Project Start: Planning is completed Proposed Construction Start: 07/2020 Scheduled Completion: 06/2022 Project Budget: $107,700,000 Council District(s): 3,6,7,8,9 NPU(s): A,B,C,D,E, F,J,K,L Project Status: Design Map: Link