General Projects
General Projects
Project Name: GDOT/Intra-Government Agreements Utility Relocation
GDOT and other local municipal governments may require the relocation or adjustment of utility facilities to facilitate transportation projects. These projects result from situations where road, bridge, and drainage improvements conflict with existing water and sewer lines. The responsibility and cost of relocating these lines is generally assigned to the utility owner, who is required to move them to maintain uninterrupted service. DWM anticipates 50 or more projects over the next five years, including projects to be undertaken under the Renew Atlanta Infrastructure Bond. These projects will be located across all City Council District(s): as well as sites where the water or wastewater service area extends beyond City limits. The GDOT projects will be identified by expected bid let date. Typical projects will include bridge replacements, road widening, other roadway improvements, sidewalks and streetscape improvements, or milling and resurfacing. Services will be provided by an Architectural/Engineering Joint Venture.
The scope of this project includes:
The Consultant will assist the procurement documents associated with the GI Design Challenge Projects. The Department of Watershed Management’s (DWM) Green Infrastructure Design Challenge (GI Challenge) advances Atlanta’s continuing efforts to implement GI in City watersheds. The GI Challenge aims to engage the design community to construct innovative and practical GI solutions in the City, foster City and community involvement, and provide environmental improvements and neighborhood enhancements.
The objective of installing green infrastructure elements is generally to provide runoff volume storage/reduction to address flooding and/or capacity relief, stream restoration, community education, and other green infrastructure objectives as described above.
Project Type: Support Services
Project Start: 06/23/2014
Proposed Construction Start: Varies
Scheduled Completion: 9/29/2023
Project Budget: $15,818,000
Council District(s): Citywide
NPU(s): Citywide
Project Status / Phase: Active / Design & Construction