Press Release
Atlanta’s Green Infrastructure Standards Win Environmental Award
ATLANTA – Atlanta has been on the leading edge of transforming its infrastructure to become more environmentally friendly and has now been recognized for those efforts. Recently, the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District awarded Watershed Management with a STREAM Award for its Post-Development Stormwater Management Ordinance in a celebration held at the Loudermilk Conference Center. The STREAM Awards recognize the outstanding sustainability achievements of Metro water utilities and local governments.
In February 2013, Atlanta adopted one of the most far-reaching post-development stormwater management ordinances in the nation, laying the groundwork for a robust green infrastructure program both for private development and the City’s capital improvement projects. Under the ordinance, new and redevelopment sites are required to treat the first inch of stormwater runoff with green infrastructure. Green infrastructure practices, such as bioretention (rain gardens) and permeable pavement, are designed to infiltrate, reuse or evapotranspirate this ‘first flush’ of polluted runoff.
“In keeping with Mayor Kasim Reed’s vision of a sustainable Atlanta, the City has permitted nearly 2,000 construction projects that incorporate green infrastructure,” says Construction Project Manager Cory Rayburn. “This equates to the removal of approximately 350 million gallons of polluted runoff from our streams and combined sewer systems each year. Atlanta’s decision to use green infrastructure is a sustainable means of improving water quality for the future.”
Green infrastructure is an alternative approach to managing stormwater runoff and reducing flooding while promoting sustainability and enhancing community amenities. Watershed Management has incorporated green infrastructure projects in the City of Atlanta including the installation of rain gardens and stormwater planters. The City is currently nearing completion of the installation of six-miles of permeable pavers, the largest paver roadway retrofit project in North America, which relieves flooding in southeast Atlanta.
For more information on Atlanta’s Post-Development Stormwater Management Ordinance and green infrastructure, visit