HomeWS-Small Meters Testing Replacement and Installation
Water Project
Project Name: Small Meters – Testing, Replacement & Installation
The City of Atlanta maintains more than 150,000 small water meters (2-inch or smaller) across its water distribution system. Maintaining meter reading accuracy is essential to revenue collection and equitable billing. It also aids in identifying, assessing and addressing apparent water loss in the distribution system.
The scope of this project includes testing, repairing, replacing, and installing water meters with diameters of 2-inches or smaller.
• Contributes to more stable revenue projections
• Reduces the number of inaccurate and/or estimated bills
• Enhances customer satisfaction through more accurate billing
• Reduces cost and effort for corrective and emergency maintenance
Project Type: Distribution System Project Start: 03/2015 Proposed Construction Start: 08/2015 Scheduled Completion: 06/2019 Project Budget: $6,000,000 Council District(s): Citywide NPU(s): Citywide Project Status: Active / Construction Map: Link