Watershed Protection
Watershed Protection
Project Name: Southeast Atlanta Green Infrastructure Initiative (SAGII) – Permeable Pavers
In July 2012, southeast Atlanta residents living immediately east of Turner Field experienced several days of intense rainfall resulting in localized ponding. DWM responded immediately to perform on-site inspections and performed a review of the combined sewer collection and conveyance system. To better address flooding in the area, DWM created the Southeast Atlanta Green Infrastructure Initiative (SAGII) that focuses on the Peoplestown, Mechanicsville, and Summerhill communities of Atlanta. SAGII is an integrated water resources management approach that incorporates both green and grey structural stormwater management best management practices (BMPS) inclusive of short-term and long-term projects to impact the performance of the East Area Water Quality Control Facility during periods of intense rainfall as experienced in July2012.
The Southeast Atlanta Green Infrastructure Initiative will provide much needed capacity relief to residents in the Custer Avenue CSO service area impacted by flooding in 2012. Eight short-term projects were completed to provide immediate relief to residents including the construction of bioswales. Long- term solutions to mitigate the flooding in the affected areas including the construction of the Media Lot Vault (completed in 2014), Connally Vault, the Capacity Relief Ponds and the Permeable Pavers. The Permeable Pavers Project will provide up to 7.1 million gallons of capacity relief.
The scope of this project includes:
Installing permeable pavers in the following areas (Peoplestown, Summerhill and Mechanicsville) totaling approximately 6 miles.
- Captures stormwater to reduce runoff and overflows in the community
- Increases ground water recharge
- Reduces runoff and urban heat island effect from surface pavement
- Adds aesthetic enhancements for the corridor and community
Project Type: Watershed Protection
Project Start: 07/30/2013
Construction Start: 12/2014
Scheduled Completion: 09/24/2019
Project Budget: $19,800,000
Council District(s): 1, 2, 4, 5
NPU(s): M, O, T, V, Y
Project Status / Phase: Complete / Construction